Here's a tip if your child only likes to eat one brand of food. For example, only Yoplait strawberry yogurt, and they've gotten to where they even know the label. You can start by providing that food at mealtimes. That's their safe food. We want to take that away. But maybe next to it, we're going to have the peach yogurt.

And maybe you're going to eat a little bit of the peach yogurt too. And you're going to talk about, Oh, this one's pink and yours is orange. Mine tastes like peaches. Oh, mine has chunks in it. Yours is. smooth, and we're just going to expand the conversation around food without creating any sort of pressure to try things or make them feel uncomfortable.

So now it's a safe place. You share a meal together. We're going to talk about new foods. We're going to be exposed to new foods, and it's a pleasurable experience.

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