Covid Precautions

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Please help keep our Small Talk Family stay healthy and safe by following the guidelines below

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What we expect from you:

  • Please wait in your car until 1-2 minutes before your child’s session.
  • Please do not congregate outside of our entrance.
  • Please note that everyone that enters our suite must be wearing a mask, children under 2 are the exception.
  • We will provide a face shield to all of our little ones, to be worn during treatment, that will be kept in their own zip lock bag and kept in our center so we may use it every session.
  • If your child has a fever, new cough, cold, runny nose, nausea, fatigue, headache,diarrhea, a sore throat or have been exposed to anyone that has tested positive to Covid 19, please call our office to reschedule. Also note, we can switch to teletherapy for a few sessions while they are recovering!

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What we are doing:

  • We will be wearing masks and face shields.
  • We will be taking your childs temperature and washing their hands upon entering.
  • We will be sanitizing surfaces, toys/materials and our rooms between sessions.
  • We will keep our waiting room closed until further notice unless it is a new evaluation and the family is here for their first time.  Following their departure, we will clean and sanitize.
  • We will practice social distancing within our center with each other and while we have your children in our care.
  • We will be asking you Covid exposure questions  prior to each session.
  • We will not be coming to work with if we experience a fever, a new cough, runny nose,nausea, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, a sore throat or have been exposed to anyone that has tested to Covid 19.
