How to know if your child is a typical picky eater or a child who might need some support with feeding. Here are some red flags. Does your child eat less than 20 foods? Does your child eat foods that are mostly one color or all carbs? Call that the beige diet. Does your child prefer specific brands or specific labels?
Did your child eat a lot of foods at a young age and then around two or so start dropping foods? Are you concerned about your child's growth? Are you worried about their nutrition intake? Are you noticing changes with their emotional regulation and you're concerned that it might be due to how they're eating or what they're eating or not eating?
If you see these types of red flags, then it might be time to get some of the support by an occupational therapist. I'm Jess. I specialize in feeding therapy and sensory processing. And we have some great strategies that could help make family mealtimes more pleasurable and to help your child thrive and grow.