Hi families. Do you have Children who seem to be overwhelmed sometimes by loud noises or bright lights and can make events or activities you do outside of the home challenging? Here's some strategies that you can do to help your child and help your family. I like to start by explaining to the child where we're going and maybe giving them a heads up.
There might be bright lights, there might be loud noises, and then give them some strategies that they could use. One might be noise canceling headphones. Another idea might be compression clothing, which is clothing that's pretty tight. It gives a squeeze on the arms or the body, or even weighted clothing.
They have hoodies that are weighted and provide that deep pressure while we're out. And then we can also ask for breaks. And then at the event, I like to remind the child that these options are available to them because when they're at that moment, they may be feeling overwhelmed and forget that they have options.